Evelyn Brooks
Evelyn Brooks Designs
Alexandria, VA
My exotic and elegant designs are aimed at strong minded, self-confident and positive people who firmly believe in expressing themselves at all times.
My ecofriendly Red & Black Collection is made with mysterious natural seeds known as “huayruros” (WHY-EE-RU-ROS). They are naturally colored red and black and are said to have magical powers, bringing good luck, prosperity & happiness to whomever wears them.
I love working with sterling silver .950 for its softness, durability and resistance to tarnishing. I texturize sheets of silver, then off to cutting, twisting and carefully soldering them to create geometric figures, amorphous lines, animal elements, religious beliefs and abstract patterns representative of ancient cultures throughout Central & South America predominantly from my native country Peru.
My designs are brought to life with my popular huayruro seeds, transforming them into one of a kind pieces. As a daughter of a bench jeweler and master in metal work, I have had the opportunity to explore my passion for jewelry at an early age. Working for the airline industry for many years and living in multiple countries has taught me to appreciate and respect different cultures around the world. My exotic and elegant designs are aimed at strong minded, self-confident and positive people who firmly believe in expressing themselves at all times.